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Privacy & Security

Set your Social Media on steroids with Pie’s scheduling & curation tools

Here are just some of the ways
we keep you & your data secure

Securing Your Data in Transit

All data in transit between you, your network, and Pie, its technologies, its servers, partners, providers, and all key stakeholders are encrypted via SSL using 2048-bit certificates.

This means, third parties can’t “listen in” or “packet sniff” as your data is in transit over the network.

Encrypted storage of all data

Within our systems, all your data is stored using AES-256 encryption with a uniquely derived key for each user following the recommendations of NIST S.P. 800-132. We encrypt all personally identifiable data.

This means, even in the unlikely event our systems are compromised, a malicious actor cannot read any data.

Limited Access to Your Data

Our systems, operations & support teams, employees do not have access to your data. Your data only becomes available to our AI & your dedicated assistant when authorized, or consented by you.

This means, Pie is unable to access your data or PII until you or your device explicitly authorizes us to do so.

PCI Level 1 Compliance

Our payments partner, Stripe – an industry leading provider, has been audited by an independent PCI Qualified Security Assessor and is certified as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry.

This means, we abide by the most stringent level of certification available in the industry.

Authentication, Everytime

Everytime your account, or your device, requests or sends data or task requests via Pie, or its internal systems – your device’s identity is authenticated and verified with our servers, against a list we store of authorized devices & corresponding locations.

This means, a malicious actor trying to send/receive data by pretending to be you, will not be able to do so.

Logging & Auditing

Anytime anyone from Pie, you, or another authorized party, even with authorization, views your personally identifiable information, credentials, or any other secure data, this is logged by Pie, and anytime our systems see strange behaviour, this is flagged for audit.

This means, we ensure no one who has not been authorized to view your information is able to view it.

AES-256 Encrypted Secrets

The most secure data: passwords, credentials, identity numbers, and other PII, are stored with our partner, Google Cloud, at cost to Pie. Specifically, using Google’s “Secrets Manager” API, we are able to store the most sensitive data in AES-256 format, and Pie never “holds” that data.

This means, acquiring this information would take hackers longer than the age of the universe, and it’s constantly improving, as Google employs the world’s foremost experts in cybersecurity to improve their encryption technologies

Always Staying Ahead!

Pie believes Privacy & Security are core to its mission, and cares immensely for your privacy and data security. We want our clients to feel at ease trusting us completely. We invest a lot into security engineering talent and resources dedicated to keeping your data, our platform, and your activity completely secure.

This means, we’re constantly adapting to potential threats, make all of our decisions taking privacy & security into account, and design a system that’s geared to keeping you & your data secure, every step of the way

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